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How to submit your paper

CEP is a forum for showcasing and sharing computing education practice. Accepted submissions will be published, provided the presenter registers for and attends the conference.

CEP submissions should allow us to:

  • understand the reported practice,
  • appreciate its strength and significance, and
  • contain sufficient detail to permit questioning and reproduction.

Given below are details of


Submissions should be no more than 4 double-column pages, including the bibliography. The submission MUST address the following questions. The descriptive text is not mandatory, but is there to motivate and stimulate your thinking.

What is it?A short description of the practice you’re presenting
Why are you doing it?What happened before? What is it changing / replacing / improving? What gap is it filling?
Where does it fit?A short description of your teaching context. You may, for instance, include a description of intake, class size, curriculum sequence; anything that’s necessary for others to understand your situation. How do things work at your institution?
Does it work?How do you know? Give some evidence of effectiveness in context.
Who else has done this?Where did you get the idea from? (If from published reports, please include references). How did you find out about it? Was it easy/hard to adopt? What did you change?
What will you do next?Will you vary this, or develop it further?
Why are you telling us this?What is interesting, or useful, about this to someone else?

CEP follows a double-blind review process. Submissions should be anonymous, without information that enables identifying the authors or their institutions. References to your own previous work should be in the third person.

CEP follows a two-stage process with first a submission of an abstract of about 100-150 words, followed a week later by the full 4-page paper (see the Dates page).

Submissions for new papers are now open. Please submit at easy chair via: CEP25 (Computing Education Practice) (

For any queries, please contact the organisers.

Review Process

Submissions will be double-blind reviewed by three members of theĀ programme committee. Each reviewer will grade the submission on how well it addresses the above questions. It is expected that each review will take about 30 minutes.

Based on the outcomes of these reviews, the programme committee will then decide which papers are accepted for the conference.